Sunday, August 19, 2012

Carb Overload!

I'm not one of those "carbs are the enemy" types, but finding a balance of carbs has been challenging along my weight-loss journey. This weekend was a bit of a tremendous carb overload.
Thursday, Mom and I had dinner at Vinny's in Lynchburg and I brought home leftovers.
Friday, Ian made creamy chicken with noodles:
Saturday evening, the fam and I toasted a great upcoming academic year at Maggiano's (with a pomegranate martini pour moi). I ordered the Fettuccine Alfredo for my meal and the Bowtie Aglio to-go. My sister, Caroline, and I split the Chef's Table special, which included one appetizer (we chose the Spinach & Artichoke al Forno) or two side salads, two Classic Pastas, and one dessert (we chose Nonna's Toasted Pound Cake).
I wasn't miserably full when we finally left... but I didn't want to look at food until 10:00 this morning. I almost gagged when I looked in the fridge and saw half of my Vinny's tortolloni, half of my Maggiano's fettuccine, and another whole Maggiano's pasta. To say I've eaten way too much pasta and too much rich food this weekend would be a gross understatement. By 5:00 this evening, my body was crying out for a salad and fresh fruit.

I can't deny that I've been yo-yoing this summer in terms of nutrition and exercise. I wasn't able to strike that ultimate balance among diet, exercise, travel, work, and leisure. I'm not gonna beat myself up over it. I'll be back into my school routine in one week, and I don't want to wish my time away. C'est la vie!

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