Sunday, April 22, 2012


The weekend splendor continued, as Ian and I splurged on homemade pancakes yesterday morning:
I couldn't believe how well they turned out, and that the first one wasn't a shapeless disaster!
Then, of course, I dragged him to the gym. I was determined to run a quick 5K, as I had taken Friday off to "rest" (i.e. to clean my apartment).
Why yes, we were part of a Black Ops mission.
Plus, I knew we'd be eating O.G. and I'd feel better about a calorie-fest if I'd worked off some earlier. I try not to fall into a pattern of working out and then pretending that I "compensated" for an indulgent thousand-calorie meal. I know it's a myth that everything evens out, so I try not to let myself buy into it. It's just so hard to pass up my favorite restaurant when we have a gift card!

Post-gym, it was time for A.K. Delivers Another Grocery Store Produce Lesson to Ian Before He Can No Longer Rely on a Dining Hall. He'll be moving to Richmond in August, and he'll no longer be able to rely on whatever the dining hall is serving for 2-3 meals per day. Neither of us wants to see him resort to frozen Lean Cuisines, pizzas, or MREs...
I don't mean to make Ian sound as if he's a Neanderthal who can't do anything for himself. Promise! I just like translating everything I've learned through a great deal of experimentation, a bit of research, and a tremendous amount of blog-reading into relatable language and simplicity. He hasn't had any experience, ever much experience cooking nutritious meals for himself, and he's looking to practice before it becomes a necessity.
I decided to give Luna bars a try; I've seen so many bloggers raving about them. Ian loved Chocolate Dipped Coconut, but I haven't given any of mine a try yet.
After a brief late-afternoon nap, it was time to venture out into the monsoon for Olive Garden. In all honesty, O.G. and P.F. Chang's are two of the only places I'll wait complaint-free for 45 minutes for a table.
I decided to try one of the promotion options, the Parmesan Crusted Shrimp. I feel like it's lose-lose; if I select my usual (Shrimp and Crab Tortelli Romana) I'm disappointed that I didn't try something new. If I try something new, I'll wish I'd ordered my usual. Obviously, I have a hard life.
Of course, we ate about 4 bowls of salad.
Leftovers are almost my favorite part.
Between a gift card and a coupon, we paid just $9 for a delicious meal, including tip -- you can't beat that!

This afternoon, Ian's parents treated us to a late lunch at O'Charley's. Eating out Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday is absolutely unheard of in my world, the primary reason being that I'm flat broke. Well... that's not entirely true. But you know how when that tax refund comes, you just don't want to touch it until you have to because it feels like a gift from the unknown? That's just my two cents.

I hope your weekend has been fantastic! Mine has been very relaxing :) What were you up to this weekend? Are you heading into the end of the semester?

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